Category: Uncategorized

One month without subscription fee

One month without subscription fee

DAXINET has prepared a gift for all new clients!

Submit an application for connection until October 31, 2021 in any convenient way:
via the form on the website or by calling +357 25 000 222
and get 1 month no monthly fee*.

*Payment is made only for connection. The subscription fee is not charged for the first month. From the second month, the subscription fee is charged according to the selected tariff.

or by calling Details by phone +357 25 000 222

Technical works

Dear Customers,

ATTENTION! Due to upgrades on our Base Station. There may be some disconnections in the network in areas: Petrou and Pavlou, Ypsonas, Tsirio, Mesa Getonia, Agios Ioannis, Naafi.

Planned time of works from 10:20 to 16:00.

We apologize for the inconvenience.



Have time to apply for internet connection till 23d of November and GET FREE INSTALLATION!

High-speed and symmetric Internet. Limassol and Larnaka districts.

ROCKET 100 Mbps 65€
FLY 50 Mbps 40€
RACE 30 Mbps 35€
WALK 10 Mbps  25€
STEP 5 Mbps 15€

With Daxinet you get:

-High-quality customer support
-Fast and accurate installation
-Symmetric Internet with small ping

Do you want to connect the Internet for free?

Details by phone +35725000223